Mitchy and I went to our favorite family's house for 4th of July...THE SWAN'S
(our home away from home)
Every year, the 4th of July marks the first day Mitchy and I started "talking." It's not TECHNICALLY our anniversary but it's still something worth celebrating... even if only in the book of our lives.

So that night, our dear friends Bo and Elisa surprised us with an early wedding shower gift.
Not just any gift...quite possibly the most amazing gift ever!
Bo built this by hand in one day! Talk about talent!

I've wanted this shelving unit since the first time I saw it in a little Rockabilly boutique 5-6 years ago.
I'm trying to convice Mitchy that it will be perfect in Marley's nursery (sugar skulls and day of the dead themed)
He's a little creeped out by it but I'll keep trying...I usually get my way
It's a little creepy, but it looks awesome! Congrats!